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John’s Circumnavigation of New Zealand


Stewart Island - day Five

A view of the wind screen wiper covered in Hail stones - the visibility was not great!

We had a terrible night last night - the wind was up around 35knots at midnight and didn’t let up all night and we were in the wrong spot!  The sea was coming in on our port beam side and the wind was right on the nose.  This means lots of noise (hull slap) and rolling like hell from the short sea on our beam.  As the anchor sensor is yet to be fitted I wasn’t going to relocate in the storm in case I had a complication with the anchor so we just had to ride it out.  We awoke to rain, hail and sleet and it didn’t look like stopping all day.

Once we had breakfast done I decided to find us a better spot to anchor, as the forecast wasn’t a lot different from the previous day!  We ran down into Prices Inlet and anchored up with squalls rolling through every 15 minutes or so.  It was cold as hell so we have both heaters going all day and Jo settled in on the couch to read a book while I caught up with my blog.  The only frustration was I had virtually no signal at all and what should have taken minutes was taking hours!  In hindsight I should have moved back to signal range and then relocated to the anchorage afterwards!

After getting another blog on line we prepared a beautiful Blue Cod dinner complete with fresh vegetables and relaxed for the evening to watch Bjorg versus McEnroe.  It was a great account of the build up to Bjorg competing for his fifth consecutive Wimbledon title.  At least we were now H3 was sitting still and we just had rain and sleet falling all around us.  The forecast for Wednesday looked slightly better so we planned to go back to Oban to go through the museum and to visit Rakiura Jade.

We have to expect the odd day of absolute rubbish - just not so many!   Unfortunately, the good days have been few and far between in the deep south!